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This Sixth Form programme promotes altruism through service to others by volunteering, leading and participation. Millfield pupils have worked with local, national and international communities in the following activities:

Elmhurst Junior School

  • The EAGLES Christmas Production, involving Millfield, Elmhurst and St Dunstan’s pupils, was organised by the Drama, Media Studies and Music Departments, and involved green screen special effects and singing.
  • Our Music Department organised for the BTEC Music pupils to use Elmhurst as a case study for one of their BTEC assignments. Pupils formed a choir for the Christmas Production which culminated in solos by two Year 3 boys before an audience of 400 in Millfield's Meyer Theatre. Our Music pupils also assisted Elmhurst in preparing songs for Elmfest, their summer fete.
  • A big Art Project with Elmhurst took place in the summer term 2018 at Ham Hill, and there were workshops for 60 pupils in our Fine Art Centre.
  • Sixth Form pupils taught a variety of subjects in classes and lunchtime clubs, including Maths, English, Chinese, French, Italian and Sport.

St Dunstan's School

  • The EAGLES Christmas Production involved their Year 10 and 11 pupils in a successful multimedia Drama production.
  • Millfield pupils went into their classes for the state school’s Creative Writing project.
  • Around 30 of their pupils come to Millfield once a week for our Friday activities sessions.

Happy Landings Animal Sanctuary
As a local environment initiative, eight pupils spent a minimum of four hours a week gardening, improving areas, buildings and the car park. In 2018-19, pupils are taking part in similar activities at Heaven’s Gate National Animal Welfare Trust in Langport.

Southlawns Care Home 
Pupils visit regularly, helping to make presents for residents’ families, keeping them company, playing cards and doing Sudoku and crosswords. The residents were also invited to our EAGLES Christmas Production and two Christmas events at Millfield, which included transport, cakes, choral singing and Christmas carols.

Red Brick Building Community Centre
We held a charity open mic event and discussed how best to market Red Brick through pupil-led blogs and websites. We are developing plans with Glastonbury FM and BBC Somerset to engage young people in local community radio, with the first live broadcast scheduled in January 2019. This will take place alongside a new community project, a Dementia Friends/Street Alliance, with over 30 pupils signed up.

South West Volunteers
Last year 67 pupils signed up to volunteer as stewards at a series of events throughout Somerset and Bristol. These included Iron Man 2017, Wells Food Festival, clearing Richard Huish woods for a scout camp and local cider orchards to plant new trees. In 2018-19, a further 62 Lower Sixth signed up to volunteer. Last year Wells Food Festival had 13 Millfield volunteers, this year they had 32! 


The aim of EAGLES is to promote altruism

Various schools and charities in the local community benefit from the contribution of Sixth Form volunteers

Pupil Involvement

Sixth Form, ages 16-18


Ongoing project