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Philosophy Shop

This club sees Gifted and Talented members of Y9 at KES travel to Highfield Primary School to run a weekly Philosophy workshop with primary school students.  The KES students study the philosophical concepts and plan the lesson the week before they travel out to teach the primary school students.


The aim of the project is two-fold; firstly to enable our students to develop their knowledge of philosophical thought as well as their leadership and communication skills and be involved in a project within the local community. The project is also intended to help introduce Philosophy to students in the primary school and to encourage deeper, broader thinking beyond that of the primary school curriculum.  It aims to improve confidence and thinking skills amongst the primary students involved.    


This partnership was developed as a result of a personal contact between a member of KES and a member of Highfield staff.  It has been running for many years.


The principle contribution required is the time of the member of staff who runs the club, requiring two lunchtimes per week - one for teaching the Y9 students, and the other for leading the primary school sessions.  A minibus is also used to transport the students to the primary school.


Qualitative feedback is taken from Highfield's Head-teacher who acts as the liaison for this activity.

Pupil Involvement

Ten Gifted and Talented students from KES in Y9 are involved in the workshops (2 boys and 8 girls) and work with 24 students from Highfield (13 boys and 11 girls).  


This club has been running for many years and takes place every Monday and Thursday during the Autumn and Spring terms.  There are no plans to discontinue the club.