Art Club with Springhill Catholic Primary School, Southampton
An Art Club whereby an Art teacher from KES (alongside students from Y10, 12 and 13) leads a six week course of Art sessions with a group of Gifted and Talented artists from a local primary school. The sessions are designed to be linked in with the primary school curriculum, based around the term's main topic. The projects are designed so that students and teachers can take back ideas to share with the rest of their class to create pieces of art by the whole year group as well.
The aim of the project is to allow primary schools to benefit from the resources, facilities, and teaching experience available at KES and to inspire them to attain highly in Art.
This Art club has been running in a number of guises for many years.
The key resource for this project is the Art teacher that runs the group and the knowledge, experience and enthusiasm she brings. Art equipment is also provided, which is the only cost element. The club runs for an hour a week for a six week block.
Qualitative assessment is collected from the Partnership Coordinator and Art teacher at Springhill. They report on the efficacy and impact of the project.
Pupil Involvement
The students are in Y6 at Springhill, and around 11 attend each session. They are of mixed gender.
This activity runs for one six week block each year. There is no plan to discontinue the club.