Impact of cross sector partnerships - Autumn 2024
Our cross-sector partnership programme for the Autumn '24 term included weekly enrichment sessions for drama, two for PE and reading at four of our partner primary schools. This involved 180 primary school pupils and 60 St Swithun’s students.
To measure impact of this activity, the primary school pupils completed a self-evaluation survey before and after the 8-week (8 hours) enrichment programme. They were asked to rate themselves across four different attitudes towards each particular subject.
To assess the impact of our weekly enrichment sessions with primary school partners across a number of areas.
It is encouraging and reassuring that all four activities had a positive impact on the learning experiences of the primary school pupils. Looking at the raw data, the overall average change across all four areas was significant at 11%.
Pupil Involvement
180 year 3-6 primary school pupils.
Weekly enrichment sessions (60 minutes) for 8 weeks