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Enhanced College Partnership with All Saints' Academy

Our partnership with All Saints’ Academy dates back to September 2015. This is the key partnership for College. The partnership focuses on the following areas - Academic, Extra-Curricular, Pastoral, Universities and Careers, Professional Development and Facilities Sharing.

In 2018 the two schools agreed a Memorandum of Understanding which recognises that both share:

  • a commitment to educational excellence
  • a commitment to the community of Cheltenham
  • a Christian ethos


The main aims of the partnership are: the breaking down of barriers between the sectors; raising pupil attainment; improving pupils' self-esteem and raising pupils' aspirations and the sharing of professional expertise.

The Memorandum of Understanding commits the two schools to an enhanced level of partnerships in the following areas:

  • Academic improvement
  • Academic enrichment
  • Higher Education and Careers
  • Professional collaboration
  • Logistical assistance
  • Extra-curricular (i.e., Sport, Music, Art, DofE, and CCF)




Nicola Huggett, Head of Cheltenham College has been looking to develop the next phase of the College's community engagement.  

Since the partnership began in 2015 much has already been achieved. College is delighted to have seen the participation of Academy students in the following activities and programmes:

  • Higher Education Conference
  • Pre-University week experience
  • Careers fair
  • UCAS training
  • Mini-MBA programme
  • Personal Statement training
  • Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science programme
  • Rowing experience on the River Severn
  • The 7 Up Programme (see ‘Partnership Close-up’)


A key aspect of partnership is that it is a two-way relationship. Over forty members of staff across both schools are now actively involved in planning and delivering partnership projects. The projects in 2018-19 aimed to bring the two schools closer together in the following areas:

  • Safeguarding and pastoral care
  • Financial best practice
  • Data capture and application
  • Professional development
  • Induction training
  • Music & Performing Arts
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Sport
  • Community Action
  • Staff well-being


Both schools meet on a termly basis and are in regular contact with each other. They assess progress and developments in all areas of the partnership.

Pupil Involvement

College pupils join with All Saints pupils in a variety of curriculum activities.

In addition College pupils volunteer at All Saints on a weekly basis as teaching assistants in literacy, D & T and sports club.


The partnership is ongoing and multifaceted. It will develop, evolve and continue indefinitely.