Volunteering in the Community with The Park Knowle
A group of 10 Clifton sixth form pupils visit the Centre once a week to help with a variety of projects from building materials for the website, to mentoring learners to infrastructure maintenance.
To support a large and deprived community in a long term, sustainable manner.
Short of manpower and resources.
Any progress in the multiple services being delivered at the community centre.
Immediate beneficiaries are the local people living in the area of Knowle which has the highest deprivation and poverty indicators in the city. This includes young people of all ages with special needs, the elderly and other Social Enterprise Schemes.
An appeal from the chairman of the trustees.
Started 2014.
Manpower at the community centre. The project has a reciprocal arrangement which facilitates sharing spaces and resources. Teaching staff will be involved in due course in curriculum areas.
No financial contribution but possibility of small scale fund raising and awareness.
Early stages of the project but there will be annual review.
Pupil Involvement
Pupils, boys and girls are sixth formers (about 10).
Ongoing weekly throughout Michaelmas and Lent terms.
This is intended to be a long term relationship.