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Rowanfield Activity Day at Dean Close

70 Rowanfield pupils will spend the day at Dean Close involved in a range of activities - music, art and sport.


This day seeks to provide a variety of exciting and fun activities to primary school children, with the intention of broadening their experiences and aspirations.


The 'Field Day' (a day given over to various service and volunteering activities) enable the school facilities and staff to be used to offer an activity day to primary school pupils. The member of staff in charge of the day contacted Rowanfield to ask if they would like to be part of this.


Dean Close can offer a range of facilities, staff and pupils to run the activity programme. The Rowanfield children will also enjoy lunch!


We will ask for feedback from the teachers of Rowanfield following their visit.

Pupil Involvement

18 Sixth Form pupils and staff will host 70 primary school children.


These days are held termly and may be repeated on an annual basis.