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Queenswood String Days in association with the Royal Academy of Music Junior Department

The Junior Department of the Royal Academy of Music has collaborated with Queenswood for a number of years to give talented young musicians from all backgrounds the opportunity to work with leading conductors.


To give talented children from a wide range of backgrounds the chance to come together and share their music-making with others.


The Director of Music and other members of his department, have close ties with the Royal Academy of Music. Many very talented young musicians from the state sector attend the JRAM, and in 2008 the Queenswood String Day was established to bring young string players together.


Peripatetic music staff, Director of Music, Assistant Director of Music and Head of Instrumental Music, Music Marketing Manager. Ernest Read Concert Hall, music practice rooms in the Essame Studios, other rehearsal spaces around school.


Promoting ensemble music-making; allowing children of all backgrounds who share a talent for string playing to come together.

Pupil Involvement

Children from 6 to 18 from a wide range of schools. Queenswood musicians from Year 7 to Upper Sixth. Both genders.

