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Poole High School - CCF

Following a government initiative (The State School Cadet Expansion Scheme), two members of staff and 14 students from Poole High School joined Canford School's CCF in September 2015 and have been attending activities at Canford each Monday afternoon. The intention is that any formal relationship will continue until Poole High School have developed the momentum and the critical mass to stand alone (when they will continue to use Canford's facilities, but not at the same time as Canford pupils). This initial project was expected to last from 2015 - 2017, however plans for an expansion are emerging already and it is possible that a further 40 cadets will be visiting Canford each week to use their facilities (indoor range, assault course, classrooms, weapons and equipment) as the Poole CCF grows in popularity. Cadets from both schools will be attending camps together including the Canford School sponsored adventure training camp to Snowdonia at Easter and the Brigade sponsored camp in the Summer. 


To enable Poole High School to set up and run an independent CCF, offering all the experiences that Canford pupils enjoy.


An intiative seized upon by Poole High School following the announcement of the Government plan to start up 100 CCFs in the state sector by May 2015.


All Canford's CCF facilities are available to PHS (shooting range; stores; assault course; etc). 10 Canford staff, including two support staff, whose main role is running the CCF, helping PHS staff and students. The most focused time is on Monday afternoons from 2.00 - 4.30pm, but help is required at other times planning the afternoons and trips.


The MOD require strict guidelines to be followed and regularly assess what the CCF does.

Pupil Involvement

Cadets from both schools are fully integrated in all activities (sections of 10 cadets from Canford and two/three from Poole High School). In addition, senior cadets from Canford are actively involved in the instruction.


Two or three hours every Monday afternoon throughout the year.

Two weekend camps in any year, normally October and May.

Two longer camps; adventure training in Snowdonia and standard Brigade sponsored camps, each a week long, occur annually.