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Mentoring Project

Oundle School is involved in a maths and reading mentoring partnership with Oundle Church of England Primary School.


Mentors work with pairs of pupils and see three groups each Wednesday afternoon. This allows mentors to work with over seventy pupils each week in thirty minute individual sessions. Mentors carry the responsibility for pupil learning during this time and many enjoy the opportunity to place themselves in the position of the teacher. Mathematics activities are aimed at the most able pupils at the primary school, extending their experience of the subject through problem solving and considering topics which do not always form part of the core curriculum. English mentors help those in need of support with this vital aspect of their education and seek to build confidence, clarity and fluency in the young readers.


Oundle School already enjoyed an established relationship with the primary school through the Community Action programme and the mentoring scheme built on this with the link Maths teacher, Gordon Montgomery had as a parent and Governor at the primary school.


School resources include a member of staff overseeing the project, use of i-pads and provision of end of year prizes.

Pupil Involvement

15 Oundle School pupils are involved aged 16-18 including a mixture of boys and girls.


The activity is ongoing weekly during term time.