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Drama Outreach

Each year, a group of pupils work on a new play which they script, design and direct (under staff guidance) before taking it on tour to local schools (including Marshfields) for children with physical disabilities and/or learning difficulties. The play, which is normally approx. 30 minutes in length, is then followed by Drama workshop style interactive games lead by Oundle pupils.


The activity is aimed at encouraging Oundle pupils who may not necessarily be 'stars of stage and screen' to have an opportunity to collaborate on a lighthearted production without the pressure of performing on the School stage and to offer this production to approx. 6-8 external schools per year as part of the tour.


This activity has been running for over 20 years and was established by an English teacher who identified the benefits the project would have for both performers and audience.


The set and costumes are kept simple and designed by the pupils themselves with the help of the School's Drama department. A member of staff and volunteer guide the pupils througout the year and transport them to the venues for productions.

Pupil Involvement

Pupils involved range from 16-18 years of age and their audiences range from 5-18 years of age.