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Masterclasses on the Move

The school has purchased and made bespoke a 'Masterclass Bus'.  Every week pupils and staff members take to the bus to deliver free, bespoke masterclasses at primary schools in and around the Bristol area.  Masterclasses are tailored to suit the needs and requests of the schools and provide a unique educational experience from which staff and pupils, both at Clifton High and the schools visited, benefit. 











The aim of this project is to deliver free, weekly, bespoke masterclasses to local primary schools and youth organisations, sharing our equipment and the expertise and knowledge of our pupils and teachers within the community.


Following a superb ISI inspection, the School was keen to share with local schools the exceptional skill sets, talents and knowledge of the pupils and staff at Clifton High in an original way.  The Masterclass bus was commissioned in 2016 to offer classes, covering many topics, to local schools.  Experiences can be individually tailored to suit the needs of the school.


The School purchased and made bespoke a special masterclass bus to be used to transport teachers, sixth form pupils (no more than 6) and the necessary equipment to deliver weekly masterclasses to local schools and community groups.  Clifton High School offers a broad selection of masterclasses from which schools may choose; alternatively the masterclasses delivered are tailor-made to suit a school's particular requests, either to support their curriculum or to add value to the extra-curricular activities.  There is no charge for the classes.


Feedback received from pupils and teachers at the schools where masterclasses are delivered has been overwhelmingly positive, with many coming back for a second year.  One local school made use of this experience for a whole day as part of 'Arts Week'.

Pupil Involvement

Clifton High School's own sixth form students accompany the teaching staff on the bus to deliver masterclasses to mostly Years 5 and 6 pupils at local schools.


This initiative was launched in September 2016 and masterclasses are given on a weekly basis. It is anticipated that this will be ongoing.