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Age UK Befriending Scheme

Age UK identify older people in the local community who do not currently qualify for funded befriending activities. The participants do not meet criteria for such support; they have ‘slipped through the net’. BGS seek to fill this gap by offering a fortnightly befriending event. Age UK bring the participants to BGS on a Wednesday afternoon. Students chat with them, play board games and enjoy light refreshments for approximately 2 hours. Social history clips of Bradford in years-gone-by are shown, which relate to themes that both generations can connect with. This includes holidays, the workplace, shopping etc. These are designed to be conversation starters, enabling participants to reflect on how society has changed over their lifetimes, whilst also providing an insight into days-gone-by for the students. The participants enjoy the refreshments and opportunity to chat in a light-hearted environment.


This project has now come to an end.