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Bradford Grammar School

Keighley Road
West Yorkshire

T: +44 (0)1274 542492

Contact email Visit our website

ISC ID: 96334


Dr Simon Hinchliffe (Headmaster)

Boys - age range:

Day: 6 to 18

Girls - age range:

Day: 6 to 18


1061 pupils

Bradford Grammar School case studies (19)

BGS PE Department Outreach Sports' Club


  • Bradford Grammar School
  • St Cuthbert and The First Martyrs' Catholic Primary School, Heaton, Bradford
  • St Walburga's Catholic Primary School, Shipley
  • Sport DofE Cadets
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Bradford Champions programme


  • Bradford Grammar School
  • Beckfoot Heaton Primary School
  • Horton Park Primary School
  • Newhall Primary School
  • Academic
  • Career Guidance
  • Student Well Being
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Annual author visit


  • Bradford Grammar School
  • Beakfoot Heaton Primary School
  • Baildon Church of England Primary School
  • Harden Primary School
  • Tranmere Park Primary School
  • Academic
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St Walburga's DT Project


  • Bradford Grammar School
  • St Walburga's Catholic Primary School, Shipley
  • Art And Design
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Chemistry Masterclasses


  • Bradford Grammar School
  • Eldwick Primary School
  • Academic
  • Career Guidance
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Satellite and rocket workshops


  • Bradford Grammar School
  • Future Transformation and Yorkshire Space Centre
  • Academic
  • Career Guidance
  • Student Well Being
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Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)

  • 20 state schools involved
  • 201-500 state school pupils involved
  • 100 staff hours given

Impact Statement

Every Tuesday lunch time, about 10 members of BGS Year 7 visit Chellow Heights Special School to volunteer as classroom assistants. This involves supporting teachers by playing with individual children, reading to or with them and organising the class whether they are indoors or outside. Every Year 7 pupil at BGS has the opportunity to work at Chellow Heights on Tuesdays for a period of four weeks. It is recognised that both schools benefit enormously from this project; BGS pupils learn from the experience, become more confident and have an opportunity to serve, and the service they provide to Chellow Heights is substantial (not contrived) and genuinely appreciated. Every summer term, Year 7 also raises money for Chellow Heights School through our sponsored walk to Ilkley. The total raised varies from year to year but is typically between £3500 and £4500.

Manningham Youth Talks is a voluntary community group which has been supported by BGS since it was formed in 2009. Project summary: MYT offers a space for young people from Manningham to talk with each other at two levels: (a) Fortnightly meetings for Year 12/13 pupils, at present from BGS and Oasis Academy Lister Park, to discuss current topics in a safe environment. These meetings allow students to talk about issues not normally discussed in school and encourage people to listen to alternative views and perspectives. We are always encouraging students to look critically at the sources of their information. We are looking into the possibility of expanding MYT to involve pupils from St Joseph’s/St Bede’s and Beckfoot Academy (who live in the BD9 area) for the next academic year. MYT also provides a forum and community group for visiting groups like Diocesan links groups. (b) The Schools Linking Project started three years ago, in collaboration with The Linking Network, and has now expanded. This involves 30 Year 8 pupils, 25 Year 9 pupils and 14 year 10 pupils from each school (BGS and Oasis). Through the three meetings of this academic year pupils have had an opportunity to talk while exploring the challenges of communicating with each other and more widely. This project is designed to develop further so that young people are exploring together their identity within the local community and reaching out to a global context. Both these projects rely heavily on the schools’ recognition and promotion among pupils and staff. There is a constitution and bank account, but the projects depend on the schools offering hospitality and accommodation. BGS currently supports the Year 9 link by paying for Oasis pupils to attend a day's activities at Nell Bank Activity Centre.

Year 6 pupils at St Walburga’s RC Primary School undertake a Design and Technology project at BGS. There is no DT provision at St Walburga’s. The project is usually an electronics project which not only provides DT but also enhances the science curriculum. The project is financed from the BGS Outreach budget; it costs approx. £400 per annum. St Walburga’s parents are very impressed when they see their children soldering and vacuum forming and when they realise how their other skills are developing. A member of our Junior School staff also runs some INSET with St Walburga’s staff to help them deliver their own DT projects using podcasts etc. This scheme has now been running for 11 years.

BGS PE & Games Department Outreach Project: Offering transport, facilities and expertise to local primary schools who often only have limited availability to these valuable resources. Tranmere Park accepted our invitation and a programme of activity was discussed with them. Subsequently 45 mixed ability Year 5 pupils accessed a six week course in January/ February that featured water confidence skills, stroke technique, water polo activities and climaxed with a competitive multi-event swimming gala.

PE Department Outreach - Year 5 & Year 6 Sports' Club: BGS Providing expertise to assist the school in offering an after school extra-curricular opportunity for its pupils.

BGS PE Department Outreach - Year 3 & Year 4 Sports' Club: Providing expertise to assist the school in offering an after school extra-curricular opportunity for its pupils.

Heaton Primary School and Frizinghall Primary School paired reading schemes: Students visit the schools on a weekly basis (Wednesday afternoons) to sit with a number of pupils (between 3 and 5 each) on a one-to-one basis and listen to them read. Students are expected to encourage the students to read, asking questions to check comprehension and vocabulary skills. They build a relationship with their pupils over the course of the scheme and act as positive role models, not just in relation to reading but also in relation to their attitude to their academic studies and future aspirations. The schemes run for a term (Nov – Feb) at Frizinghall, and for half a term (Feb – April) at Heaton. We also operate Language Leaders with Frizinghall Primary School, with our senior school pupils teaching their pupils modern languages.

There is Assisted Place and Scholarship information on our website here.

  • Academic scholarships
  • Music scholarships
  • Sibling discounts
  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils