Y5 and Y6 Festival of Languages
Teams of girls from Year 5 and 6 compete in a language inspired day of challenges including a treasure hunt around school with foreign language clues, carousel of 10 x 10 minute taster language lessons and certificates of attendance.
The Festival is an opportunity for the Languages Department at Portsmouth High School to share their passion for languages and to celebrate some of the languages spoken by pupils in the school. Senior School pupils join specialist languages teachers in leading the sessions to teach a carousel of ten taster lessons ranging from Japanese, Hindi, German, Bengali, Farsi and Mandarin to Greek and Italian.
‘This event provides many opportunities,’ said Head of Languages, Mrs Jane Arthers. ‘Opportunities for our pupils to get a chance to share their love of languages, opportunities for other schools to hear different languages spoken and an opportunity to showcase the joy of languages around the world.’
The project has been established for six years.
Pupil Involvement
Senior School pupils join specialist languages teachers in leading the sessions. 40 external pupils from 12 visiting primary schools attend aged 9 and 10.