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Sweet Science

A morning of fun in the science laboratories at Queen’s where Year 6 girls undertake all sorts of weird and wonderful experiments with a confectionery theme.


Aimed at breaking down gender stereotypes and igniting a love of science, girls from local primary schools are invited to this annual event. They could be doing anything from exploding cola cannons and jelly babies to making chocolate chip ice cream in a plastic bag or designing jewellery from plant DNA. There's lots of fun to be had!


Eight teachers on the day and four teachers planning beforehand.
Three technicians setting up beforehand and assisting on the day.
Equipment for the children to use.
Refreshments for the children throughout the morning
Resources on how some activities can be recreated at home prepared to be taken away by the pupils.


All the children leave enthusiastic and inspired about science. Feedback from the pupils has led to this being an extremely popular annual event.

Pupil Involvement

The event usually involves around 35 children from local primary schools as well as girls from Queen’s Lower School.
Support from Queen’s Sixth Form students


An annual event held from 9.30am – 12.30 on a Saturday morning.