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Community Engagement and Fundraising

The Queen's School regularly carries out work which benefits the community. 

This includes Hampers for Save the Family, collections for local food banks and provision of the school minibus for local Air Cadets. 

The school community collects and creates hampers for a variety of families at Christmas time and students also organise food collections for local food banks.

The local Air Cadets are given access to our minibuses on some evenings and weekends to enable them to transport the cadets to a range of activities such as DofE walks and Flying and adventure training.


Hampers for Save the Family provides food, small gifts and useful items to families at Christmas time.

Provision of the school minibus enables the Air Cadets to be able to transport the cadets to activities.


Form tutors give their time to communicate and collect items.



Families who struggle during the festive team are provided with vital items to slightly ease the pressures they face.

Providing the use of our minibuses to the Air Cadets enables them to transport more cadets to activities rather than having to restrict the numbers able to attend due to only having cars. 

This in turn ensures more cadets are able to take part in the range of activities on offer.

Pupil Involvement

Sixth Form student organises Food Bank collection at the Senior School with support from one member of staff.

Lower School - One member of staff to communicate and collate collections.

Air cadets aged 12-18


Hampers for Save the Family and food collections are organised annually. 

Minibuses are provided to the Air Cadets as and when required.