Supporting Private External Exam Candidates
Over the last three years, 29 Private Candidates have taken formal examinations at West Buckland School. We are now registered with the JCQ as a school that accepts Private Candidates but importantly, not for exams that require marked coursework or have a practical aspect to the qualification.
To support home schooled children within the local area who require a centre to sit JCQ examinations
There has been an increasing number of children/young adults that are now opting for home fulfilled education. The ability to undertake the final examination within State register schools has diminished, so the ability to meet this requirement is now falling to Independent Schools.
Examinations in main exam halls and separately, with IT and Access Arrangements to meet SEN requirements, supported with an appropriate Educational Psychologist assessment. Also provide exams officer and invigilators.
Allows home schooled children the appropriate conditions and supervision in which to take their exams.
Pupil Involvement
GCSE and A-level age children. None of these children attend independent school.
During summer exam season.