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Sporting partnership with Blue Hornets Hockey

Felsted School is proud to donate their hockey facilities to this successful local club, who encourage young children to take up hockey. Talented children can apply for a sports scholarship to Felsted, with may be topped up with a bursary, subject to means testing.

Many young Felstedians play for Blue Hornets Hockey Club in addition to Felsted School, strengthening their access to expert coaching and fixtures. This provides them a clear pathway to play for the County, Region and for England.


The partnership provides a local hockey club with top facilities for their training and fixtures, giving access to children not just at Felsted School.

It also allows our young Felstedians to have access to additional coaching and fixtures on a Sunday, and a strong pathway to playing for their county if good enough.


A Felsted parent set up Blue Hornets Hockey for young children approximately 15 years ago and established the link with Felsted to use their facilities.


Blue Hornets Hockey works closely with our Lettings and Grounds Department to access our our facilities on a regular basis throughout the hockey season (outdoor and indoor).

They also work closely with our Heads of Hockey (boys and girls) to combine coaching prowess, talent spot and to set up fixtures.


We had many Felstedians go on to play hockey at a high level whilst at Felsted and also post Felsted, thanks to the partnership with Blue Hornets Hockey.

Pupil Involvement

Pupils, both boys and girls, may be involved from the age of approximately 6 years old. Many parents are also involved in the coaching and social side of the Hockey Club.


Most activity takes place in the hockey season.