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Specialist Subject Support

Students from CV34 schools attend the Foundation to take part in weekly science and food technology lessons led by subject specialist teachers and supported by King’s high and Warwick School student volunteers.

These lessons enable both the primary school pupils and our students to practice their technical equipment skills and experience subjects through practical activities. For example, every Friday afternoon year groups from Coten End Primary school come to Warwick School science laboratory in rotation to take part in a variety of experiments such as blah centrifuging, acid and alkali testing and microscope prep. Our specialist physics teacher provides the students with a short lesson on the scientific background of the experiments they’ll be taking part in and after a demonstration they are split into smaller groups to work on the experiments, supported by our student volunteers.

Through specialist-led co-learning experiences such as these, we hope to increase student’s engagement with their curriculums and enable them to explore subjects more deeply beyond their usual classroom settings.

Furthermore, the collaborations between our student volunteers and our partner school pupils develops the communication and confidence skills of all who are involved. Having pupils collaborate enables the sharing of perspectives and can lead to meaningful insights shared between those at different stages of their learning journeys.


Enable both the primary school pupils and our students to practice their technical equipment skills and experience subjects through practical activities.


As well as partnering with local schools to carry out practical lessons in our labs and studios, King’s High has partnered with Westgate School to provide their students fortnightly French lessons, planned and delivered by Mrs Reed, the King High specialist French teacher. The lessons are planned in collaboration with Westgate’s headteacher to follow and support the requirements of the national curriculum whilst giving staff the opportunity to observe different MFL teaching techniques. The lessons have been beneficial in deepening student’s interest in modern foreign languages, but beyond that they have created a platform for students to explore different cultures and customs. During the lessons, many children have felt comfortable demonstrating their own languages skills and have shared anecdotes of their cultural backgrounds and family trees. In the new year, we’re hoping to establish the delivery of these lessons in a greater number of our partner schools as well as expand the repertoire of languages taught.

Pupil Involvement

Primary School pupils.