Mini Olympics Day
To celebrate the Olympics we have joined together with local primary schools to host a Mini Olympics Day for pupils. The schools will form country teams and compete in two field and two track events followed by a picnic lunch and award ceremony.
The aim of the Olympic Day is to bring children from our local community together and to celebrate the international Olympic event this year. It provides local children with the opportunity to try sports they might not have had the opportunity to try previously, such as hurdles, javelin and high jump.
Sporting opportunities are ideal for bringing children together from varying schools and backgrounds. This is the first time Oakwood have hosted this event and we hope that this will be the start of other inter-school projects.
Oakwood has the perfect site and sporting facilities to allow our Olympic day to take place. We also have our own sporting specialist teachers to facilitate the day. We are also able to host the local schools by providing snacks and a picnic lunch to finish the day.
It is hoped this new initiative will be part of an ongoing link with our local primary schools, in sharing our facilities and expertise.
Pupil Involvement
The Mini Olympics includes pupils from local primary schools.
The Mini Olympics is a one-off event this year. We hope to hold other sporting and music events every academic year.