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Year 5 Sports Event

As part of the Sports Leaders' Assessment, Year 10 pupils organise a sports day for Year 5 pupils from around 5-6 local primary schools depending on availability. The schools involved include Compton Primary School and Montpelier Primary School


Aims of the day are to allow the Year 10 pupils to achieve the community service element of their Sports' Leaders award, as well as enabling Year 5 pupils to take part in and try out new sports in a semi-competitive environment. 


This was initiated by a former Plymouth College member of staff 10 years ago as part of the Sports Leaders' Award. 


Two members of teaching staff are used for one afternoon per week to prepare the Year 10 pupils for several months before the event. During the event itself, another 8 members of staff are used. Facilities include sports fields and netball courts. 


The event is assessed at the end of each occurance and any improvements incorporated into the next event. 

Pupil Involvement

This involves approximately 15 Year 10 pupils from Plymouth College and around 250 Year 5 pupils from various local primary schools. 


This is an annual event which occurs in late June.