The Great Science Share for Schools
A national campaign to inspire young people to share their science questions and investigations with new audiences
Primary schools pupils prepare a table top science investigation which can be shared with pupils from other schools.
- engaging young people in communicating their scientific questions and investigations with new audiences
- improving teacher confidence in teaching children to work scientifically
- raising the profile and value of school science improving children’s science capital
The project was set up by Dr Lynne Bianchi who is Director of the Science & Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub at the Faculty of Science & Engineering, The University of Manchester. OHGS was invited to participate in the Great Science Share for Schools at the University of Manchester last year. We offered to host Oldham's first hub this year, which attracted 55 children from 6 different primary schools.
Our facilities and staff time. The event was hosted on our school hall with a preliminary meeting held at the school for all teachers involved. This was lead by GSSfS staff.
This is an annual event involving 64,000 children worldwide. Ours was the first hub ever held in Oldham, attracting 55 children from 6 primary schools. It is hoped that the local event will grow year on year. We also hope to involve our partner primary schools in Ghana in next year's event.
Pupil Involvement
Pupils involved were from years 3, 4 , 5 & 6, mixed genders and ethnic and social backgrounds. Our sixth form pupils helped to support the event.
This is an annual event.