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MFL Teaching

Two members of the Warminster School academic staff each teach one morning a week at Princecroft; one to Years 3 and 4 and the other to Years 5 and 6. The Head of MFL at Warminster also meets regularly with the MFL co-ordinator, there is a termly French assembly led by the Warminster teachers. We are in the process of setting up a link between Princecroft and a primary school in Cognac.


The aim is to provide languages teaching for Princecroft primary school and to instil in the pupils a love of languages an an awareness of other countries.  The project was a result of a meeting between the respective Heads and a request for assistance and support if possible. The immediate beneficiaries are the pupils but also the teachers at the school because the intention is to help staff at the school to deliver languages themselves.


It was established in the summer term of 2014 after a visit by the Warminster School Headmaster to Princecroft and a reciprocal visit by the Princecroft Head.


There is no financial contribution.