Maths Teaching for Gifted and Talented
Weekly provision of Maths teaching for Gifted and Talented mathematicians in Years 5 and 6 at Princecroft.
To stretch and challenge the most able pupils but also to help develop the Warminster School's Sixth Formers who are involved in the project.
- Build relationships with local primary school
- Share our resources
- Provide our Sixth Form pupils with an opportunity to develop communication/planning/ organising skills
- Provide Gifted and talented local primary school pupils with an opportunity to be stretched and experience a new environment
- This helps to fulfil the school's founding aims to provide for all members of the community
- Confident, successful execution of lessons by our pupils to primary pupils
- supportive parents/primary school
- happy, engaged primary pupils who have enjoyed the experience and want to return
- This benefits Princecroft pupils and their parents
A member of our Maths Department suggested this - bringing in gifted and talented children from local primary schools. This has been on-going for the last 3 years.
This needs a willing Maths teacher, Sixth Form pupils, a willing school and parents.
The pupils come to Warminster School for 1 hour after school each week. They are taught by Sixth Form pupils, overseen by one member of staff. There is no financial contribution required.
There is no formal assessment, but Princecroft did have a number of pupils who achieved the top grade in their SATs scores and these were the pupils involved in this programme.
Pupil Involvement
This involved pupils, both boys and girls, from Years 5 and 6 at Princecroft School. Warminster pupils organise and collect the children from our Reception. They carry out the activities and then take the children back to our Reception. Participants need to arrive at Reception for 4.00pm.
This takes place during term time - every Monday from 4-5pm and will continue for the forseeable future.