Hymn Practice with St Augustines Primary School
The Headteacher at Stamford Junior School (SJS) and the Head teacher at St Augustine's RC Primary school, felt that SJS could help develop singing at St Augustine's. It was therefore arranged for SJS' music teacher and Year 6 pupils to go over to St Augustine's and lead a hymn practice.
The objectives of the partnership was to develop links with a local primary school and offer an area of expertise that they were interested in developing. In this case a specialist music teacher to develop singing across the school. The immediate beneficiaries are the pupils and staff at St Augustine's.
The availability of our music teacher is crucial to the partnership, he is a very talented musician and an expert in making music fun for Primary children. Additionally, we have access to a minibus and a driver so were able to take our pupils over to St Augustine's at no cost to them.
It allowed the staff and pupils at St Augustine's to experience singing practice in a different way in hope it would inspire them to set up their own choir.
Pupil Involvement
SJS pupils were a mix of boys and girls from Y6 who interacted and performed with a mix of KS2 children from St Augustines.
Hymn practice was the initial event but the meetings between the two Heads are regular, where it is discussed how to support St Augustines.