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Emmaus Hull

The school supports the charity through an annual Christmas Carol Concert which raises around £5,500 tp £6,000 each year. In addition the NCS students have given their time and energy on collecting clothes ad furniture for the charity. We also have students volunteering their time at Emmaus Hull residence and furniture store for a day during our annual Community Service Days.


To provide as much support as possible for Emmaus Hull, a homeless charity.


The Headmaster has been working with the staff at Emmaus for several years.


Student and staff time. We host a Charity Christmas music concert annually.


To raise as much money as possible from the charity concert. And to collect as many clothes and furniture as is possible. To give Hymens students the opportunity to volunteer their time and understand the needs and difficulties of people in their community.

Emmaus research shows that for every £1 spent in the community there is a social, environmental and economic gain of £11.

Pupil Involvement

Around 25 students are currently involved but this will grow.


Ongoing project.