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Debating programme held at Colfe’s School

Pupils from local state schools in Year 8 to10 are invited to join the Colfe’s debating teams – attending weekly two-hour training sessions and entering competitions alongside our pupils. Colfe’s has been host to a number of competitions including the ESU Mace, attended by state schools Brampton Manor, The Cumberland School and St. Ursula’s Convent School.

The aims of this programme is to:

  • Provide pupils with an opportunity to learn the skill of debating – from how to identify and research a topic, right through to competing 
  • Give pupils the opportunity to work collaboratively in teams with those from other schools 
  • Stretch the most able pupils at state schools and provide them with a genuine enrichment opportunity 
  • Provide pupils with a feel of what it is like to study at Colfe’s and where applicable, offer guidance on our sixth form scholarship programme
  • Act as a venue to help facilitate competitions for pupils from a range of different schools

Colfe’s also be hosts its own debating competition with in excess of 50 teams attending.