Classics Partnership with Rushcliffe School, West Bridgford
The LGS and LHS Classics Departments have established a partnership with Rushcliffe School to help them with the delivery of Latin teaching. We offer taster sessions for their Y8 groups each year who are considering signing up for Latin. We then offer workshops for those who have signed up for the subject, particularly to introduce them to the literature and civilisation elements of the GCSE course. Finally, we provide year round support to the non-specialist teaching staff at Rushcliffe.
c. 20 pupils sign up for GCSE Latin each year.
Teachers supported in teaching of GCSE.
Beneficiaries are the pupils and staff of Rushcliffe.
Richard Ward (LGS Spanish) informed Nick Pollock that his previous school (Rushcliffe Academy) had been in touch with him as they were interested in setting up Latin as a twilight class. It is a high achieving state school who send a couple of pupils to Oxbridge each year. The Head of MFL (Eva Vicente) was wondering whether NDP might be willing for her to visit, perhaps to observe a lesson and then to discuss some practicalities such as best textbooks/exam boards etc. A meeting was arranged between NDP/REB/EV and Zoe Harrison (non-specialist Latin teacher) on 28 March 2017.
The partnership has been running ever since.
Specialist teaching staff of LGS/LHS Classics Departments.
Provision of resources (e.g. Teachers' Handbooks)
LGS Classics Department weaponry - used for taster sessions.
Travel expenses
c. 20 pupils sign up for GCSE Latin each year.
Teachers supported in teaching of GCSE.
Pupils enabled and teachers resourced for successful teaching of Latin at this school, which otherwise would not be able to offer the GCSE Latin course, since the introduction of compulsory literature.
Pupil Involvement
No current involvement of LES pupils - however, there is a possibility of taking X set Latin pupils and/or 6th form pupils along to help run taster sessions.
In a typical year, c. 100 Rushcliffe Year 8s receive taster sessions to give them the opportunity to sign up for Latin GCSE. This year, c. 20 Rushcliffe Year 9s received workshops on the GCSE literature materials. In future years, workshops will grow as there will be Year 9 and Year 10 next year etc.
On-going project.
No expected end date for project.