Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)
- 25 state schools involved
- 201-500 state school pupils involved
- 400 staff hours given
Impact Statement
We run a series of fortnightly Masterclasses throughout the year in English, Maths, MFL and Science for 41 state primary schools. Each sessions lasts for 3 hours and involves numerous members of staff in their planning and delivery. The impact is that the pupils are enthused about the subject, and anecdotally return to their classes with greater excitement and seem to apply themselves with more vigour than classmates who did not attend.
LGS has supported some G & T Year 10 students from Woodbrook Vale School to enter a STEM project for national STEM competitions. Through the STEM Sunday initiative, students from Woodbrook Vale School came in during the Autumn and Spring terms and worked with staff from LGS and STEM ambassadors to complete their entries. 1 of the 3 teams from Woodbrook Vale School made it through to the finals of the TeenTech competition and all teams managed to secure a Silver CREST award. LGS also carried out the STEM Leaders award with 60 Year 5 students at St Bartholomew’s, and 74 Year 4 & 5 students from Falcons Primary School in Leicester. The students met the NAO robot and completed the STEM Leaders award.
We also invite primary pupils into school for events such as the national “Insect Week”. Feedback from the schools involved is very positive: “Thank you so much for inviting us to join you for National Insect Week. My class were fascinated by the insects and fantastic facts you shared. It has continued to be a major topic of conversation in the classroom. It was also pleasing for me to see how much information they had retained from last year's learning.”
On occasions we have donated equipment or resources to school. This year we donated a load of chemistry lab coats that had been abandoned by leaving students to Rawlins school. They were very grateful and emailed saying “I am writing to express our gratitude for the laboratory coats that your department so kindly donated to our school. Our students do not have their own coats and so the ones we use in class had become extremely worn and tired looking. The new coats have ensured we can continue to deliver high quality practical activities that all the students can be involved in, particularly in A level chemistry lessons. Thank you again for your generosity.”
LGS has helped Rushcliffe School to launch Latin within their MFL department. Two LGS teachers led introductory sessions into the Latin language at Rushcliffe, building enthusiasm using a collection of archaeological artefacts for handling and discussion, and our replica legionary weapons. Once Latin was running, LGS provided subject-specific advice to support HoD MFL at Rushcliffe in delivering the WJEC Latin GCSE. LGS also provided a second session to pupils who had taken the subject, discussing syllabus material including the Latin poetry of Ovid, and chariot racing. From these sessions, Rushcliffe recruited 28 pupils who have embarked on a 3 year GCSE course in Latin. A further taster session afternoon for the next Year 8 resulted in over 20 pupils signing up to study Latin.
Our drama department has hosted local primary, secondary and home-schooled children at productions by visiting theatre companies and our own students, paying for transportation to & from the primary schools and for the visiting theatre company. Pupils benefit from the productions and workshops in terms of acquiring theatrical skills and wider experience of different productions.
We provide mock Oxbridge interviews for students from Groby College, this year we interviewed 3 students. This took 3 hours of staff time plus preparation time. This is very useful practice for the students; we do not have any information yet about the success of these as students are still awaiting offers.