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The Perse School

Hills Road

T: +44 (0)1223 403800

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ISC ID: 71232


Mr Edward Elliott (Head)

Boys - age range:

Day: 3 to 18

Girls - age range:

Day: 3 to 18


1705 pupils

The Perse School case studies (29)

Primary Schools Hockey Club


  • The Perse School
  • Bewick Bridge Primary School
  • Colville Primary School
  • Fawcett Primary School
  • Fen Ditton Primary School
  • Queen Edith's Primary School
  • Queen Emma Primary School
  • Ridgefield Primary School
  • The Galfrid Primary School
  • Trumpington Meadows Primary School
  • The Galfrid Primary School
  • Trumpington Park Primary School
  • Fulbourn Primary School
  • Morley Memorial Primary School
  • Sport DofE Cadets
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  • The Perse School
  • The Galfrid School
  • Newport Primary School, Essex
  • Over Primary School
  • Morley Memorial Primary School
  • Dry Drayton
  • Icknield
  • Bottisham Village College
  • Parkside Community College
  • Governance
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Oxbridge Practice Interviews


  • The Perse School
  • Richmond Park Academy
  • Greensward Academy
  • The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme
  • Academies Enterprise Trust
  • Higher Education Application
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Mentoring for CyberFirst Girls Competition


  • The Perse School
  • Bottisham Village College
  • St. Philomena's Catholic High School for Girls
  • Bishop Challoner Catholic College
  • National Cyber Security Centre
  • Academic
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Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)

  • 110 state schools involved
  • 1001-2000 state school pupils involved
  • 920 staff hours given

Impact Statement

A video review of Perse Outreach and its impact: Outreach at The Perse

Technology Partnership

Video review of the programme

Teaching assistant: The Galfrid School (February 2022): "They've learned teamworking skills and creativity, they've also really enjoyed the fact that they've learnt from older students that have been helping with the program as well as the experienced staff members and they've really enjoyed every second they've been at The Perse and it's been
really beneficial in both their academic and also their personal development."

Computer Science micro:bit project

Head Teacher, Harston & Newton Primary School (April 2022): "I wanted to pass on a huge thank you for the micro:bit session on Friday and the whole enrichment programme. The children came back "buzzing" on Friday afternoon and couldn't wait to talk about all the things they had learnt and the great support they had received from your sixth formers."

Science Primary Partnership

Head Teacher, Harston & Newton Primary School (April 2022): The input in the science programme was outstanding, providing so many opportunities that we simply don't have in primary schools. The relationships that develop between the mentors and our pupils are really important and I know that each of the children will miss their mentor -they were great role models and excellent ambassadors for The Perse.

I realise that the outreach programme must require a great deal of organisation but it has a huge impact. I do hope that we will be able to continue our involvement - I already have children in Year 4 and 5 asking "Will there be special science next year? Please can I go?"

History of Art Mentoring

Video Case Study of Partnership with The Bigger Picture

Head teacher, King’s Hedges Educational Federation, June 2016 : 'Your pupils, under the direction of staff, were attentive and sensitive to the various needs of my pupils. The mentors engaged with their mentees in an appropriate and instructive manner. It was great to see that a larger number of male pupils had signed up for the programme as few of my pupils have limited access to good male role models. Your pupils had taken the trouble to prepare personalised poems and songs as part of the final presentations, although I understand that your pupils were in the midst of their own exams. They were an impressive group of young people led by a very committed group of teachers. The organisation of the project was, once again, seamless. I must say that I have really enjoyed the partnership with your school and I will offer any support that I can to see that the relationship continues to grow and flourish'

OFSTED July 2015: King’s Hedges
‘A link with The Perse School (a high-performing independent school) has enabled a group of pupils in Year 6 to work with sixth formers in a range of art history activities, and sixth formers have been into school to support able mathematicians…The project with The Perse School made a major impact on the achievement of the pupils concerned. One wrote, ‘In King’s College Chapel, it was almost like a dream. The detail in the fan-patterned ceilings and beautiful, colourful stained-glass windows created an atmosphere of peace and calm’

Head of Ridgefield primary school, November 2017: 'It has been a great start, the Art workshops are inspiring the children'

Head Teacher Colville Primary School, April 2015
'We met with the children today to discuss their views on the project. They were overwhelmingly positive…it has built their confidence to speak to new people….improved understanding of the importance of working hard and what you can achieve by doing so, and they enjoyed time with their mentors, the activities and new places visited'

TA Year 5, Colville Primary School, January 2017 'Some of the pupils are usually extremely quiet but through this they grow in confidence. One pupil in particular wouldn’t dream of putting his hand up in lessons but today he put his hand up and told the group about his view of abstract paintings. That is something you would never associate with him. It gives them confidence and even small things like their conversation skills with people they don’t know are opening up. They are exposed to language that they are not used to and their vocabulary is widened. They love it. If they know they are coming to these sessions, they will definitely come into school, which is not always the case on a Friday. They also get a bond with the Perse pupil and individual attention that is rare in all schools'


Video Review of programme at Jeavons Wood School

Year 6 Teacher, The Vine Inter-Church Primary School, January 2022: "Having your students come in and work with ours has been a big success and a great challenge to our most able mathematicians. It was certainly something which all the pupils enjoyed and learnt from."

Year 6 Teacher, Monkfield Park Primary School: "What is so lovely is that this is their reward time but instead they come to maths with Perse pupils and love it. It’s a good confidence booster for our pupils as it is an acknowledgement that they are doing well. As a school, we are in the top 12% of schools nationally for maths and part of that is attributable to the time they get with Perse pupils."

Executive Headteacher, Trumpington Schools Federation, January 2022: "We have thoroughly enjoyed the partnership visits and we look forward to them restarting when it is safe to do so.  We are all working under difficult circumstances and I hope that 2022 will allow us opportunities to work more closely together in the future."

Science Mentoring

Head Teacher Harston & Newton Community Primary School, November 2021: "Thank you so much for the excellent session today, the children really enjoyed it and talked about it all the way home in the minibus. Your sixth form mentors were a real credit to the school and seemed perfectly matched to our pupils. It was really nice to watch them chatting and solving problems together. They are really looking forward to the next session."

Year 4/5/6 Phase Leader Shirley Community Primary School, January 2018, ‘The children are loving the programme!’

Teaching Assistant in Year 5, Shirley Community Primary School, January 2018, ‘Pupils get really excited about Perse trips. Getting on the mini bus and going into the Perse is such a big deal. There is one boy who comes up to me and asks every week ‘are we going to the Perse this week?!’. They love their bags too. This is such a lovely experience for them, it is a great opportunity. They lean an awful lot. Their science language improves and then they can use this in their lessons’

Teaching Assistant, Year 5 and 6, Fen Ditton Primary school, January 2018, ‘Being able to use the equipment and working one on one with pupils from the Perse really makes this project work. One on one supervision and mentoring is so valuable - there just isn’t the scope to do that in any other setting. There is so little time in primary school and here they have a full hour to really get stuck in. Having all the equipment and the setting of a lab makes the pupils think that the experience is amazing. The booklet is also fantastic and so professional that they love it. For pupils to be able to explore and love science and to love learning is such a wonderful thing’.

Jack, Year 6 Pupil, Fen Ditton Primary School, January 2018, ‘These have been the best hours that I have ever spent in my life’.


Feedback from the students and the deputy head has been incredibly positive. Deputy Headteacher, said he has been really proud of the Colville students’ behaviour as they were so engaged and keen to learn. Colville pupils love the carousel format so much that the year 6 want to start a similar carousel lesson as helpers for the reception children, in line with their school values.

Two of the most vulnerable boys who said they enjoyed working in small groups because it was okay to make mistakes without the whole class listening – your patience and enthusiasm has been much appreciated.

Perse sixth former Alice said: 'In terms of its impact, I think enrichment has so far helped the children at Colville to bolster their general learning abilities, insofar as they seem to be improving their methods of memorising and learning vocabulary and other more conceptual things like basic syntax in sentences. They also seem to be eager to learn - many of the students are keen to contribute when asked what they think specific words mean etc when doing exercises. I would even go as far as saying that our sessions with them are something that they look forward to; the vast majority of them are energised and happy to see us when we visit them.'


The anticipated impact of this programme is pupil enjoyment and engagement with a culture which has heavily influenced their own. Pupils learn the rudiments of Latin language and build vocabulary, grammar, and reading fluency and comprehension skills in both Latin and English. Anticipated outcomes: improved levels of literacy in English.

Below is a summary of Monkfield pupils’ responses when asked about their experiences, 19th January 2018:

What’s the best thing about Latin sessions?
•‘This is more fun than lessons’ (Carlijn)
•‘I like working out what the stories mean myself’ (Kayla)
•‘Learning Latin is a privilege’ (James, Ronaldo)
•'Challenge in a good way'
•‘I enjoy saying ‘salve’!’
•‘Like the Minimus course’ (Willow)

Does learning Latin help with any other subjects?
•History because of the books and myths

Do you enjoy Latin and why?
•‘I like learning a new language’ (Carlijn)
•‘Having students teaching instead of teachers because teachers are strict and sometimes boring’ (Carlijn)
•Like translating stories and the exclusive nature of the subject
•Enjoy learning an ancient language and trying to use words with friends in the playground
•Good mixture of learning and comedy
•Like reading the comics and the faces
•Get better grades
•Love learning and talking to family about what they’ve learnt

Queen Edith's Primary School 2019: responses to a workshop session with Acapella Group "Sons of Pitches" facilitated by The Perse Music Department

"I am writing to say a thousand thank yous because you have taught me so much. I love my singing you’ve taught me, especially high notes and low notes." Pupil in Year 6

"the experience you provided for many of the children was one they would never have experienced on their own. It was a day that most of the students are continuing to mention and one I am most grateful you asked us to attend. It is one which will undoubtedly remain as a highlight for years to come. " Year 6 teacher 

Breakdown showing bursary fee assistance for the 2022/23 academic year intake into Year 7, 9 and Sixth Form:

A total of 11 bursaries were awarded for September 2022 in the Upper school with the following breakdown between years:

Year 7: 8 (2 x 75% or higher and 6 x 50-74%)

Year 9: 3 (1 x 75% or higher and 2 x 5-24%)

Bursary support with school fees
The Perse is committed to broadening access by offering eligible parents/guardians means-tested financial support with school fees. The Perse Upper School offers a number of bursaries which are means-tested. No bursaries are available for entry into the Pre-Prep or Prep Schools. 

Bursary holders receive a percentage reduction against tuition fees, school lunch charges and middle school device scheme charges.  The securing and induction fee payable on acceptance of a place is also reduced by the same percentage.  For children awarded higher levels of bursary support, additional funding may also be offered to assist with the cost of certain extras.

During the 2022/23 academic year 67 pupils at the Upper School are receiving bursary awards.  Of these, 2 receive bursaries between 5% - 24%, 9 receive bursaries between 25% - 49%, 22 receive bursaries between 50% -74% and 34 receive bursaries of 75% or higher with 14 of those receiving full bursary support.

Bursaries are available for new entrants to the Upper School joining at different entrance points and are awarded at entry into Year 7, Year 9 and the sixth form. These awards vary from 5% to 100%.

The Perse has limited bursary funds to provide emergency assistance to parents of Prep and Upper School pupils where there has been an unforeseen change in financial circumstances. Such awards are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed. (For information on this for existing pupils please contact the Deputy Bursar.)

To apply for a bursary, parents must first complete the registration form and pay the registration fee before the deadline published on the School’s website. The box on the registration form applying for ‘means-tested assistance with school fees’ must be ticked. The Bursary will then send the parents a link to the School’s online bursary portal where they can provide the required financial information and supporting documentation which must be submitted before the entrance test date. 

The School’s bursary assessments are undertaken by an independent company acting on its behalf.  All bursaries are assessed on a means-tested basis and include a visit to the family home of applicants who have been offered a place at the School to help gain an understanding of the family situation and calculate the financial need of the family on an individual basis. Assessments take into account the family’s situation, including the financial circumstances of both parents and of any current partner of one or both parents, along with social security benefits and other financial details. These will include both capital and current income.

The School will advise parents in writing of the amount of financial support they will receive before they need to take a decision on any offer of a place.

All bursary applications are subject to annual means-testing and may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances and financial information provided on review. A child can be awarded a bursary and scholarship at the same time.

In Years 7 and 9, we award music scholarships.

Perse pupils in Year 7 and Year 9 will receive an invitation to audition for a music scholarship at the end of the academic year’.

Scholarship awards are not means-tested and are one off payments of £500.

For further information please see our website at

Sixth form scholarships
·         Sixth form academic scholarships are available to both current pupils and external applicants. Current Year 11 pupils are continually assessed during Years 10 and 11 and scholarships are awarded to the top performing students, usually approximately 15 pupils.

·         Perse Sixth Form Scholarships are also open to existing Year 11(who have not been awarded one by continuous assessment) and external applicants (who have reached a satisfactory standard in the entrance tests) and would be awarded as follows:

a)    Perse Sixth Form Academic Scholarships via exemplary performance on the Sixth Form entrance tests (usually a maximum of 10 scholarships).

b)    Perse Sixth Form Music Scholarships via music auditions (usually a maximum of 4 scholarships).

c)    Perse Sixth Form Sports Scholarships via sporting assessments / interviews (usually a maximum of 4 scholarships).

d)    Perse Sixth Form Art Scholarships via art portfolio / interview (usually a maximum of 2 scholarships).

e)    Perse Sixth Form Drama Scholarship via drama audition (usually a maximum of 2 scholarships).

f)     Dr Perse Scholarships for school service. Dr Perse Scholarships will be awarded (via application) to students who either at The Perse or in their current school have made a major contribution to the extracurricular (breadth and balance) and pastoral (valuing one another and the environment) life of the / their school (usually a maximum of 10 scholarships).

Assessment dates for 2023 intake:

Closing date for (external) entries to Year 12: 1st November 2022

Sixth Form entrance tests: 26th November 2022

Closing date for entries to Year 7 and 9: 1st December 2022
Year 7 and 9 entrance tests: 14th January 2023

For further information regarding our bursaries and scholarships please see our website:



  • Academic scholarships
  • All Rounder awards
  • Art scholarships
  • Drama scholarships
  • Music scholarships
  • Sport scholarships
  • Sixth Form scholarships
  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils

Visit our website for more information