Activities Days for visiting Junior schools
- St George's School, Ascot
- Connaught Junior School Bagshot
- Academic
- Student Well Being
T: +44 (0)1344 629900
Contact email Visit our websiteISC ID: 21362
Mrs Elizabeth Hewer (Head)
Girls - age range:
Day: 11 to 19
Boarding: 11 to 19
263 pupils
Activities Days for visiting Junior schools
Primary Schools Maths Challenge
Educational workshops and events
Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)
Impact Statement
Englemere Decorative & Fine Arts Society use the School Chapel for their monthly meetings and other key events.Breakdown showing fee assistance for the last academic year’s intake into Year 7 and Sixth Form:
Bursary Support with School Fees:
St George’s is committed to broadening access by offering means-tested bursaries. A limited number of bursaries (up to 100% of the tuition fees) are available to support girls whose parents are not able to afford the fees in whole, or part, subject to availability of funds.
All applications for bursaries are considered on the basis of individual circumstances and are means-tested. Owing to the limited funds available to the school, not every application for a bursary will be successful. Bursaries can be applied for in addition to a scholarship, or on their own.
Bursary assessments are independent of the admissions process and an offer of a bursary should not be considered an indication about any offer of a place.
To apply for a means-tested bursary for new entrants, you will need to contact the Bursar and submit an application before mid October for entry in September. The Bursar can be contacted by clicking here: [email protected]
Parents will be notified as to whether they have been allocated a bursary in writing at the same time as the school communicates the results of the entrance assessment (before Christmas for 11+ entry, and before the February half term for 13+/16+ entry). All bursary applications are subject to annual means-testing and may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstance and financial information provided on review.
St George’s Ascot offers scholarships to pupils who demonstrate excellence and are designed to reward exceptional talent.
In recognition of their achievement, Scholars are offered a reduction in the tuition fees. Scholarships are conditional on a girl’s satisfactory conduct and contribution to the school. Scholarships are worth up to 10% of tuition fees. In exceptional cases, an Exhibition may be awarded to girls with talent in one of more of the areas outlined below. We encourage parents of Scholars who anticipate that they will experience difficulty in meeting the balance of the tuition fees to apply at the same time for one of the school’s means-tested bursaries. Scholarships are available at 11+, 13+ and 16+.
Scholarships available: Academic, Sport, Swimming, Drama, Music, Art, Performing Arts and All-rounder.
Assessment dates:
Scholarship Application Deadlines: 2 weeks prior to assessment (dates below)