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Science in Action

The school provides a number of science related activities for students from local schools. 

Students from 9 secondary schools took part in a day of workshops and STEM challenges with educators and commercial companies to mark Women in Engineering Day. From making model tidal barrage boats to welding with chocolate and generating electricity from fruit, the girls are given a wealth of information about the many science careers available to them in the future.

Winner of the BBC programme "So you want to be an astronaut?" visited the school to provide lectures and practical workshops to primary age pupils from 7 local schools. The day was designed to make participants aware of the potential for space science and the avenues available to those who pursue it.

The school provides the opportunity for youngsters considering a career in the medical profession to experience what life is like in a high-tech operating theatre. From mixing anaesthetic to performing a very realistic heart transplant, the students work with real-life surgeons over the course of a weekend of activities.


The project is part of a national scheme to encourage more girls and women to consider careers in engineering. Around 200 pupils attend the day with those students, and their teachers, returning to their own schools to pass on what they have learned to inspire others.

These projects were part of the school's on-going engagement work to introduce young people to a variety of keynote speakers from the world of STEM. Participants left the events excited and inspired and keen to find out more about the opportunities available to them.

The Operating Theatre Live is designed to highlight the skills and temperament needed in order to pursue a career in the medical profession. Participants gain a real insight into the work of an operating theatre and are better equipped to tackle university interviews when the time comes.


The workshops are organised by the school and all facilities, workshops, food and materials are provided free of charge.


Students have been offered places at Oxbridge having taken part in Operating Theatre Live with many saying it provided them with a much greater understanding ahead of their crucial application process.

Pupil Involvement

The Women in Engineering event featured pupils from Year 8.

Almost 400 pupils took part in the workshops with pupils from Years 5 & 6 making up the bulk of the audience.

Around 100 pupils from Year 10-13 attended the Operating Theatre Live.


Women in Engineering Day is marked nationally once a year.

The workshops were part of the school's Science in Action programme to provide access to exciting speakers and STEM resources to pupils from local schools.

Operating Theatre Live is staged most years at the school as part of its Aspiring Medics programme of activities.