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Primary school subject days (Christ the Saviour)

Every year we host a number of taster or challenge days for pupils in local junior schools run by staff and Sixth Form students from our senior school. In recent years, these have included a Forensics Day, a code breaking maths afternoon and an afternoon of Chinese language and culture. These run alongside our fiercely contended annual High Five netball coaching and tournament run by our Year 10 sports leaders.


The aim of the partnership is to provide opportunities for challenge and extension for groups of pupils in our local area. We are currently focusing on maths, science and languages as these were identified by our partners as areas of interest. 

These days also help us build links in our local community. Our students benefit from the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills throough their help in organising and running the sessions. 


The sessions rely on the commitment of our staff, technicians and Year 12 students and are all run in the senior school. 

The Mandarin sessions, including a five week summer Saturday course which was open to pupils from 9 local schools, were generously sponsored by the GDST and HSBC.


Feedback is sought from participaing pupils and staff both during and following the sessions. This feedback helps us plan future sessions and develop our range of activities. 

One of the key benefits for us has been the opportunity to be more involved in our local community.