Music programme
Working with local primary schools to show how you can put music into the curriculum especially as a non-musician, for example through topic-based work.
To have more music in primary schools and to give non-specialist music teacher the confidence to teach music. The beneficiaries are both the teachers and the children.
Our Director of Music was aware that there are music specialists in independent schools but not in the maintained sector primary schools. The Director of Music made a list of several local primary schools and contacted them to ask how we might help them to further integrate music in to the curriculum.
The staff time of our Director of Music to approach the schools, prepare bespoke material for any meetings eg workshops on INSET days etc and follow up as appropriate. This can take up to 4 hours per workshop.
The Director of Music has received testimonials from two schools explaining how her workshops have helped to integrate music into the curriculum. Further calls will be made to establish whether additional workshops would be beneficial.
Pupil Involvement
All pupils from the local primary schools benefit from the information gained in the workshops. The age range is from 5-7.
This is an ongoing initiative. Contact will be made with the schools on a termly basis.