Initiatives - Teignbridge Playing Pitch Strategy 2018 - 2023
This Teignbridge Playing Pitch Strategy has been developed to identify playing pitch provision and needs. The work from this study will feed into a review of the Local Plan by providing an evidence base to protect, enhance and provide playing pitches and ancillary facilities in Teignbridge.
Stover School ensured it was part of this scheme and the school hopes that some of its lands will be earmarked for use as part of this plan.
Stover School aims to secure funding for additional sports facilities which will benefit the pupils at the school as well as the wider community.
This Teignbridge Playing Pitch Strategy has been developed to identify playing pitch provision and needs. It employs the five stage approach detailed in the Playing Pitch Strategy Guidance published by Sport England in October 2013.
A Steering Group of Key Stakeholders lead the task and comprised representatives from Sport England, The Rugby Football Union, England Hockey, England Cricket Board, Devon County Football Association, Teignbridge District Portfolio Holders of Planning and Housing; and Leisure and Recreation, and Council Officers from Planning; and Greenspaces and Active Leisure.
The work from this study will feed into a review of the Local Plan by providing an evidence base to protect, enhance and provide playing pitches and ancillary facilities in Teignbridge.
In overall terms participation in sport is strong in Teignbridge. Although nationally there had been a decline in participation in traditional formats of team based outdoor sport in the last few years, this has reversed in the last year. Teignbridge has followed the national trend which has seen a decline in the traditional forms of, for example adult football, but increases in the youth game, and in alternative forms of games. Hockey has proved an exception, where there has been an increase in participation in hockey of 36% since 2011/12 with an 80% at U16 club members. Clearly much still needs to be done locally to increase adult participation in team sport. The Challenge behind this Strategy is, therefore, to encourage more people to be more active and to improve social coherence and the quality of life for people in Teignbridge.
The school has engaged in significant discussions with Teignbridge Council about the feasibility of sitting an international standard sand dressed astroturf on the school grounds. This would provide much-needed facility for the Teignbridge hockey community and the necessary land would be provided by the school under an appropriate management agreement, at no cost to the project. A partnership is being explored and support sought with Hockey England and a number of local hockey clubs.