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English Hub School Network - Teaching Schools Council

Stover Schools hosts the local English Hub meeting at Stover School. Local schools join together to promote good working practice and to share ideas. 

The self-improving school-led system is at the heart of the government’s vision for education in England. Simply put, this means that schools are being empowered to make decisions about how to improve and to work collaboratively to support each other to do so.


The aim of the hub is to collaborate with English Departments in the South West and share best practise and ideas.

The Teaching Schools Council (TSC) is a national body representing all Teaching Schools in England. The Council is made up of 20 members with either a national or regional remit, who direct and shape the work of Teaching Schools through discussion with government ministers and senior officials.

As an elected group of Representatives, the Teaching Schools Council exists to provide:

A regulator role: making recommendations about the designation of Teaching Schools.
A facilitator role: connecting Teaching School Alliances to each other.
An advisor role: advising the Secretary of State on a range of policy areas.



Meetings take place on a regular basis at Stover School.