Forest School
Beechwood Park School provided pupils, teachers and the local community with the opportunity to experience their Forest School.
Pupils from Markyate Village School attended a Forest School lesson and were provided with all facilities, a teacher and transport. Observation of the Forest School was arranged for a teacher from Maple Primary School, with the aim to provide support applicable to their own Forest School.
In addition, Beechwood Park School hosted a Forest Fun event; a free of charge morning of pre-school fun, adventure and discovery in the Beechwood woods which was open to the public.
Facilitating access to a resource not available to pupils at their own school.
To provide the teacher with training support for Forest School at Maple Primary School.
The Forest Fun event provided an opportunity for the wider community to benefit from Beechwood's facilities
Provision of a Forest School lesson to pupils at Markyate Village School was part of a continuing partnership between the two schools.
The Forest Fun event was initiated by Beechwood's specialist Forest School teacher.
Beechwood Park School provided facilities, a teacher and transport for Markyate Village School pupils to attend a Forest School lesson.
The Forest Fun event was hosted in Beechwood's forest. The event was led by our Forest School teacher and supported by other members of staff including teachers, catering, grounds and administrative staff.
The Forest Fun event was well received by those that attended.
Pupil Involvement
A Year 2 class and teachers from Markyate Village School
24 two to four year olds from the local community attended the Forest Fun event.
Beechwood will be happy to offer the same activity again when required.
The Forest Fun event will be scheduled twice each academic year.