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Brownies invited to Charity Concert for Alzheimers

Twenty Brownies from local 9th Bath Brownies attended a student-run charity concert to raise money for Alzheimer's Society.  

The Pack Leader wanted to give the Brownies exposure to instruments and performances they may not have experienced before.  Her aim was to inspire them to learn an instrument, be courageous enough to perform in public and 'give back' to society by organising a similar event one day.


The Pack Leader wanted to give the Brownies exposure to instruments and performances they may not have experienced before. 

The aim was to inspire them to learn an instrument, be courageous enough to perform in public and 'give back' to society by organising a similar event one day.


Royal High School Bath's Registrar is local Guide Leader and identified the opportunity for Brownies and charity to benefit from support and attendance at the concert.

Attendance at the concert was a one-off, however the School's relationship with the Brownies is ongoing.


The Brownies were inspired by watching the performances of Royal High School Bath students and learned about 'giving back' by performing to raise funds for a well-deserving charity.

Pupil Involvement

20 x 4-11 year old girls from several schools around Bath.


Would like to invite them to another performance.