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Brownies - Badge in a Day

Royal High Prep School held a special Brownies and Rainbows Discovery Day including cooking, craft, and singing.

The event helped to join members in individual units to make links with other groups in the Division (Bath) they wouldn't usually meet. Also brought in members from wider audience (Bristol and South Glos).


Purpose of the event was to share the facilities of the Prep School with local Brownies and Rainbows - the event was created especially for these girls.

This community event involved a number of staff who ran sessions involving cooking, craft, singing and dancing.

It gave the girls an opportunity to meet other Brownies and Guides from across the region and learn new skills to help them earn badges 


Royal High School Bath Registrar is involved with these groups and identified the need.

This was the first year the day had run but there are plans to run another session in 2024.


Staffing for the event (5 teaching staff, 5 admin staff) and use of school facilities including catering. Costs were bound up in catering, staffing and gift.

Pupil Involvement

50 x Rainbows and Brownies (girls, aged 4-10)


Biannual event.