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Volunteering at Oakwood Primary School

Volunteering in a classroom setting assisting with read, writing and maths. Students also assist with playtime and creative activities.


Girls volunteer in a classroom setting assisting with reading, writing and maths. They also assist with playtime and creative activities. This link allows CLC girls to understand more about the infrastructure of our local community.


Oakwood Primary School is one of the newest of all our link schools, catering to 4-11 year olds in Cheltenham.  By creating a safe environment where children can reach their full potential, Oakwood provides CLC students the opportunity to assist with reading, writing, maths and creative subjects. CLC girls have also helped to introduce new projects into the classroom; most recently, computer coding. 


Our girls take school transport to the school. They work with teaching staff already at the school providing interventions in reading and writing. Girls also made bird boxes donated to the school so children can enjoy bird watching. 


Pupils enjoy the experience and are engaged. Teachers value the intervention. There is improved social cohesion between the two schools. Oakwood is seeing higher number of pupils coming in with IEP's and therefore intervention is helpful. 

Pupil Involvement

Our Sixth Form students, aged between sixteen and eighteen, are involved in this opportunity.


Girls volunteer on a weekly basis and thus they are able to build strong relationships with the children who they work with.