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Service Day Partnerships

Every year Westfield School allocates opportunities for girls to take part in service during their Enrichment Week. This involves our pupils and staff working alongside pupils and staff from other schools in the region. Projects range from garden design to classroom displays, arts projects creating murals and helping run sports days and other activities.


To forge links with local schools and to work in partnership on a variety of service projects. Three of the schools are in considered to be in areas of social deprivation (English Indices of Deprivation 2019).

The needs of the participating schools are taken into account during the initial contact stage.

Our school and the partner schools will directly and materially benefit from the joint venture.

The immediate beneficiaries will be the partner schools as their service requirements are fulfilled. Our school benefits from our pupils and staff gaining a deeper, practical understanding of service.



Members of staff recognising a need and liaising with the school after initial proposals put forward. 

Opportunity identified by the member of staff involved in the capacity of community liaison person.

Links have been established with a number of the partner schools for more than ten years.


Shared resources based on the requirements of each projects. Small element of fundraising has been involved in the past to purchase items for each project.

Facilities within our school have been used to develop and create resources for the projects. The projects have last one or two days.

The projects involve teaching staff and pupils.


An assessment of the activities are carried out each year. The benefits to the partner schools are both material and social. The benefits enjoyed by our pupils and staff include the satisfaction of completing a worthwhile project, forming close ties with a very different type of school and learning about the importance of service in our community. 


Pupil Involvement

We select around 14 or 15 pupils to visit each school and the partner schools also involve a similar number of children to assist in the projects. The pupils range in age from 11-18yrs. 



The activity or project is usually a single event which occurs once or twice a year. We anticipate the service activities will continue for as long as the projects are required.