Mathematics Masterclasses for Local Primary School Pupils
Established in September 2005, our Mathematics Masterclasses comprise six one-hour sessions held on Saturday mornings over the course of a term. Children from local primary schools work through a variety of mathematical puzzles in an enjoyable and thought-provoking way.
The project aims to bring together like-minded children from local primary schools to explore Mathematics in an exciting and innovative way. Designed to stretch children's mathematical thinking, individual sessions look at different aspects of maths in the real world such as 'How Computers Count' and 'How Bookmakers Win'.
By working with pupils from many other schools, each child's self-confidence is improved. This serves as ideal preparation for their moves onto secondary educational settings.
In 2005, our Head of Mathematics identified a gap in the provision of mathematics teaching for more able children. Demand outstripped supply almost immediately so we have added more subjects and increased the number of places on offer. Gradually, the Masterclasses programme has expanded from an initial dozen partner schools to the current 76.
The classes take place at Kimbolton School and are taught by subject specialists. A course comprises six one-hour sessions; four Mathematics courses are held each year. There is no charge for our Masterclasses.
The excellent teaching, commitment and enthusiasm of our Mathematics teaching staff is key to the success of these classes.
There is no charge for our Masterclasses.
We ask for, and receive, feedback from parents at the end of each course. A typical response is:
"I have to admit when we received the letter offering a place for S, we did experience some resistance as the classes meant he would miss some football matches.
However I am very pleased to report that after the first session, in which the children became “code breakers” (with a bit of history thrown in about Bletchley Park) any concerns about missing some match time were quickly forgotten.
The way the lessons are delivered in a fun, but informative way really engaged the children and reinforced my own belief that education should be pleasurable experience. The balance of the sessions, the subject matter as well as the delivery of your fantastic staff ensures the children are enthused, engaged and committed to learning in a fantastic education facility.
I would like to thank you, the teaching staff and the headmaster for all your efforts and commitment. You are a credit to the school and the surrounding area. I would have no hesitation in recommending these sessions to any parents and I hope that these session continue for the greater good for all."
Pupil Involvement
The pupils are drawn from Year 5 or 6 depending on which term the classes fall in. Almost 1000 local state primary pupils have attended our Mathematics Masterclasses.
Four Mathematics courses are held each year.