Loan of minibus, drivers and teacher training
Regular and ad hoc loan of minibuses to Alexander First School for swimming runs, sports fixtures and school trips at no charge. Our drivers have also assisted ferrying pupils to a local event and collecting them later when we were unable to loan the bus for a full day. Externally provided training, at no cost, for Alexander First School teachers to drive our bus.
We are a small school and only have 2 vehicles but we are pleased to be able to offer them for community use when we do not need them. Aim was to assist a local school in need of transport to enhance their pupil's education.
Alexander First School staff needed training to drive a minibus so we arranged a course with our usual provider for 3 of their teachers, joined by two of our staff members.
Beneficiaries are Alexander First School pupils and staff.
Alexander First School have no transport of their own and are reliant on loans or hire of coaches. One of our staff members is a governor of Alexander First and they approached us in summer 2017 to see if we could lend a bus in principle, which led to arranging a training course for their staff, at Easter, and subsequently to one regular loan and several ad hoc loans of buses and, in one case, buses with drivers in the summer term. The arrangement is ongoing.
One 17 seater minibus and one 9 seater vehicle, loaned together or separately according to need.
Upton House support staff as drivers on one occasion.
Regular use weekly for 3 hours per week for 7 weeks in summer plus other ad hoc loans.
Enhanced curriculum for Alexander First School pupils and cost saving on transport hire for their school.
Pupil Involvement
Pupils aged 5-9 years from Alexander First School.
On-going ad hoc and possible repeat of regular loan in future subject to availability.