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Leadership in the development of a new primary Academy (Windale Community Primary School, Blackbird Leys, Oxford)

The Dragon is looking to create productive relationships between all four schools with staff and children learning with and from each other. The Academy schools retain their individual identities and the Dragon will enhance the links between them extending the range of opportunities in science, music, the arts and sport.


Through the Academy, it is hoped that all three primary schools will benefit from working with each other and the sponsors to develop and improve their own teaching and to encourage pupils to reach their full potential.

A key aim is to enhance teaching and learning and raise aspirations.


Since 2007, pupils from the Dragon School and Pegasus School had been sharing 'Partners in Learning projects', and through this both schools had developed a trust and a creative working relationship. The children and staff got to know each other and enjoyed working together. When we were asked by the then Head Teacher of Pegasus, Jill Hudson, if we could extend the projects we were happy to do so. The Blackbird Academy grew out of these initial conversations.


Good governance, collaboration between management teams, support for staff initiatives.

Our school facilities are used.

We use teaching and non teaching staff who are enaged for different but defined periods of time.

Transport was also offered and, through external funds, we are able to support some projects financially.


Establishing the metrics for evaluating outcomes is under review.

Pupil Involvement

Pupils between the ages of 8 and 13 work together with the majority of the projects covering the primary age range.

We organise several 'Partners in Learning' projects each year covering, the Arts, Science, Music, Design Technology, Enterprise, Philanthropy and Sport.


Projects are ongoing and developing each year.