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Learn French through Drama

Y5 or 6 (according to the choice of the school) from local primaries, take part once a week for 6 weeks to prepare and practise their performance of a drama production in French. French was chosen as it is the widest taught modern foreign language at KS2 and is the current language being taught at the schools we partner. Pupils give a final performance with music, costumes and hand-made scenery to a live audience in the 6th week.


Project Need

A drama project is an exciting and inspiring way to develop language skills which may be a departure from what is normally provided by everyday transactional topics covered in KS2 schemes of work, but which promotes MFL as a cross-curricular subject, thereby helping to promote a ‘mastery’ approach to language learning and support CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

The Director of Innovation and Learning at the GDST, highlights: “In the primary phase, obstacles to embedding the requirements of the national curriculum include finding curriculum time in primary schools and finding suitable specialist teachers. Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills 2012-2016, observed that MFL is being marginalised in state primary schools – partly (and ironically) as a consequence of Ofsted’s unrelenting focus on Maths and English. Two thirds of primary schools offer less than an hour per week on foreign languages” (‘Beyond pets and pencil cases: Modern Foreign Languages in GDST schools’)


Immediate beneficiaries are the participating pupils themselves but also the accompanying teaching staff (and those staff at the primary schools responsible for delivering MFL content in their own setting, who benefit from shared practice, ideas and resources). By participating in this project

primary staff can observe first-hand specialist language teaching techniques which they can apply in other contexts or with other year groups.

we hope to increase staff confidence both in terms of teaching and learning as well as by enhancing their own subject knowledge and improved skills.

there is the potential to offer continued support in the future by repeated participation in the project as well as by creating a collaborative and supportive relationship which would extend beyond the 6-week course.

primary staff also take away resources which they can use in the future. 

Our own VIth Form pupils also benefit by being involved by using their own language skills as well as taking a leadership role within the outreach sessions.    

Critical Factors for Success

Funding was essential to provide necessary teaching, resources and meet other costs e.g. transport. 

Primary schools needed to want to be involved and be able to invest the required time and staff resources. Support from primary headteachers was very positive; the benefits of the project in terms of provision of language specialist teaching as well as developing pupils’ ‘soft skills’ were recognised. 

Pupils who took part needed to feel that they had made progress in their language skills (see impact assessment below) and that they had had a positive experience, thus allowing schools to want to take part in future years. 

Parents of pupils involved in the project recognise the benefits for their children


We had previously expressed an interest in sharing our senior school teaching MFL expertise through an outreach project to benefit local primaries; and the member of staff involved has previous experience teaching at our own Junior School as well as voluntarily in other primary schools. 

A bid to HSBC for a funding grant was made in April  which was successful and the first primary school, completed the first 6-week project in the first half of the Autumn term. The project has run ever since.


Funding to pay for costs associated with the project are critical.                .

The sessions take place in the primary school for the first 5 weeks and then the performance is on our School site in the Performing Arts space. We use classroom facilities e.g. interactive whiteboards, iPads. Pupils and parents have refreshments after the performance in our dining room. 

The course is delivered in French by specialist MFL teaching staff and supported by both our native speakers language assistant and senior SHS language students.


Questionnaires are given in the first session and filled in once more at the end of the 6 weeks to assess the development of pupils’ language skills and competence. These include a quantitative assessment – a vocabulary ‘quiz’ with key words and expressions, and a qualitative assessment – pupil self assessment e.g. regarding their own confidence and ability .

For the Schools taking part, analysis of the surveys show a positive impact:

Vocabulary knowledge increased

Pupils reported increased confidence with spoken French and with skills such as offering ideas in a group

Pupils all reported that they had enjoyed being part of the project.

Parental feedback after the final performance was overwhelmingly positive, with several parents specifically commenting on how much their son/daughter had enjoyed participating. Parents were very supportive of the value of the project in terms of exposure to learning French.

Sixth form pupils report benefit as they are able to practise their language skills in an unfamiliar context and have an opportunity to mention their involvement on UCAS applications. 

Pupil Involvement

All the schools taking part are from the state sector and the pupils (boys and girls) can be from Year 6 or Year 5.


Ongoing this academic year involving local State funded primary schools, every half term.

We hope to continue to project next year and develop it to involve more schools.