ISSP Music Day
The Hampton ISSP Music Day involves pupils from schools in the Hampton Independent State School Partnership (ISSP). During the day, members of the orchestra are trained at Hampton School while the choir rehearse at Lady Eleanor Holles. In the evening a joint concert is held for family and friends.
The aim of the ISSP Music day is to provide musicians with the opportunity to rehearse and perform with young people from other local schools in the area. The day is co-ordinated by teaching staff from the Hampton and Lady Eleanor Holles Music departments.
The event culminates in an evening concert for family and friends which includes a series of ensemble performances and a full orchestral and choral production to end the concert.
This initiative was proposed by Sir John Rowling, Chair of the Hampton ISSP, who had seen it work successfully in another ISSP Partnership. The first concert took place in February 2011.
This is a joint initiative between Hampton School and Lady Eleanor Holles School. Teaching staff from each schools' music departments co-ordinate the training of the pupils and provide the music scores. The evening concert has been hosted in the Hammond Theatre at Hampton since 2010 but in 2016 it will be in Lady Eleanor Holles School's performing arts centre and will alternate between the schools each year. Thus far, the concert's administration has been provided by Hampton's Events co-ordinator.
There is no assessment carried out but the feedback from both the pupils and the audience is always extremely encouraging and further opportunities for music partnerships between the schools have followed.
Pupil Involvement
Boys and Girls from Years Nine to Thirteen at both State and Independent Schools are involved.
In 2019, 140 pupils from seven local maintained secondary schools took part in the ISSP Music Day: Hampton High, Orleans Park School, Teddington School, Tolworth Girls' School, Turing House School, Twickenham School and Waldegrave School
This is an annual event, which takes place during the Spring Term.