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JT is a governor at St Ignatius College


JT joined boards of governors in Sept 2020. He attends FGB meeting throughout year and is on the Quality of Education board. He is attached to the Art Department.


Longstanding interest and support for the school as part of the alumni. He knows many current and former colleagues working at the school , as well as alumni friends. Completed Catholic Foundation governors course several years ago. He can bring his skills and experience of academic, pastoral and leadership work to the governor role. 


JT attends meetings and other events throughout the school year. 2020 - these were run virtually.


Able to contribute to FGB and Quality of Education board's work as an SLT member at SCC. Linked to Art Dept at the school, his main subject discipline. 

JT is chair of the SCC Ministry Team, therefore has an interest in working with staff, such as the campus chaplain, in exploring student ministry and charities.

Pupil Involvement



Ongoing - 3 QofE and 2 FGB meetings