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External hire of swimming pool facility and sports facilities

Annual hire of the swimming pool facility at St Paul's Girls' School to local primary schools as part of local community public benefit. The sports field is also hired for sports days or on an ad hoc basis for specific events and activities.


To make our sports facilities available to local schools (and local community swimming clubs) at significantly discounted hire rates or at no charge. This enables pupils in local state schools to learn and develop swimming skills and assist with the schools' sport curriculum as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle amongst children.


Recognised the lack of facilties (especially for swimming) available in the nearby Brook Green/ Hammersmith areas. The following schools use our pool every week: Addison primary and Larmenier and Sacred Heart, and formerly Lena Gardens (all in Hammersmith and Fulham).

The charity Greenhouse also use our pool once a week for their swimming programme.




Facilities used: swimming pool and sports field site.

Schools provides their own swimming coaches and have access to the facility.

We usually host six local school sports days per year. Hire charges are waived or are significantly discounted.


Young pupils develop their swimming skills; state schools can offer more to their existing sports curriculum programme.

Pupil Involvement

Years 4 and 5 pupils (aged 8-10) - boys and girls.



Weekly sessions for swimming pool as agreed at the start of each academic year.

Use of sports field for sports days or on an ad hoc basis for specific events or activities.

Ongoing hire.