- St Paul's Girls' School
- Hammersmith Academy
- Sacred Heart
- West London Free School
- Cardinal Vaughn
- Higher Education Application
T: +44 (0)20 7603 2288
Contact email Visit our websiteISC ID: 98424
Member of West London Partnership
Mrs Sarah Fletcher (High Mistress)
Girls - age range:
Day: 11 to 18
806 pupils
Events for prospective medicine applicants
National Citizenship Scheme use of the Great Hall
West London Schools Eco Partnership
Impact of partnership work done in 2023 (ISC annual Census 2024)
Impact Statement
We have started many new projects and initiatives in 2018-2019 so a meaningful evaluation of these is not possible yet.
Music Junction has brought live musical performance to over 400 primary school children and gave many of them the chance to try musical instruments for the first time. The 50 who have gone forward to the workshop stage are already gaining in confidence and all the staff involved from the schools have made positive comments about this. This project has also given opportunities to our own students who have been put out of their comfort zone to develop mentoring and teaching skills. An important impact is the contribution of help in kind, which amounts to over £7,000, which has made a major impact on the viability of the project for the Westminster hub.
Our Year 7 Project has allowed pupils at a local academy and our school to undertake extension tasks and this has clearly benefitted them in all in terms of confidence both socially and academically. It has been clear from the outcomes at the end of sessions that barriers have been broken down and that all pupils have gained the confidence to present to the whole group. Our weekly session with 20 maths students from two local academies have been praised by staff who can see the difference in the classroom when they return to lesson. A quantitative impact will not be known until the summer.
Four students that we have been working with from two secondaries received offers from Oxbridge and teachers have recognised our part in this. Comments have also been made about the change in attitude of pupils who have attended sessions here and how they return more motivated.
There is no hard data about the impacts of our summer school on the 60 pupils who take part, aside from very positive anecdotal evidence from parents. Between 17 and 38 of these pupils have gone on to apply for a place with between 5 and 6 being successful which perhaps give some indication of the confidence gained.
We have opened up our careers, HE and other talks to a number of local schools and over 100 pupils have attended so far this year. Teachers are positive about how this enriches the curriculum and motivates the students who take part. Volunteering continues to have an impact on many parts of our local community with 68 students engaged in volunteering as part of the Duke of Edinburgh alongside many other established projects from mentoring to Latin, maths and art history.
Bursaries awarded at St Paul's Girls' School are financially means tested and offered on entry to pupils who meet the school's normal academic and residence requirements and, whose parents have demonstrated an inability to afford the fees. The current total household income threshold (for all earners) is £110k gross but each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Consideration will be made in property equity, other assets held (ie; additional property owned at home and/or abroad), savings and other sources of income (ie; financial support from relatives). Any mitigating circumstances in a household which may impact on a family's ability to afford full fees will also be considered. Examples include ill health of a parent, recent redundancy or sudden loss of employment, high debt/ expenses that cannot be avoided, inability to borrow against existing means. A typical 100% bursary profile would consist of a household income up to £65k gross, the family living in rental property and with little or no savings. Prior to joining St Paul’s Girls’, the pupil would typically come from a state school however we are seeing more pupils coming from the independent sector qualifying for a full bursary. In addition to full fees remission, 100% award holders receive additional grants towards textbooks, travel to and from school, trips and sports uniform. All award holders receive an annual grant towards textbooks and where appropriate full remission of the public examination fees. Bursaries are assessed annually in the summer term. Currently bursaries are only available to new entrants in Year 7 and 12. Hardship bursaries using the same assessment criteria are also available to families where household financial circumstances suddenly change. Before a hardship application can be made, a family is required to have paid fees for two whole academic years beforehand.
Find out more about scholarships and bursaries at this school.